Criminal Assets Database

Database of prosecutorial and court documents for the seizure, confiscation or release of illicit assets in Albania.

Last update on 21.09.2022 17:22

Document No. 16 (20)

Document Category
Court decision
Document Date
2010 (07.10.2010)
Serious Crime Prosecutor's Office
A.P , E.GJ, V.K, F.F, G.P , G.B.
Court District
National jurisdiction
Type of request
Seize / confiscation order
  • The activity of the joint stock company "XXX", capital, all rights of this company, as well as all movable and immovable assets owned by this company in Albania, with an initial capital of 20,000,000 ALL
  • The activity of the joint stock company "XXX", capital, all rights of this company, as well as all movable and immovable assets owned by this company in Albania, with an initial capital of 10,000,000 ALL
  • Aktivitetit të shoqërisë anonime “XXX”, kapitaleve, të gjitha të drejtave të kësaj shoqerie, si dhe të gjitha pasuritë e luajtshme e të paluajtshme që zotëron kjo shoqëri në Shqipëri, me kapital fillestar 20.000.000 lekë